
Certification Company Download
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Ofar Ofar
UNI CEI EN ISO 50001 Energy management systems - Requirements and guidelines for use Ofar Ofar
UNI EN 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Ofar Ofar
ISO 9001:2015 All the companies of the GIVA group Ofar, BSA, DVG, FAV, FDB, Italfond, Nunki 2, Nunki, RMT
OHSAS 18001:2007 moving to ISO 45001:2018 Italfond, Nunki, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate, Bresciacciai, DVG Automation, RMT Valvomeccanica (in progress) BSA, DVG, FDB, Italfond, Nunki 2, Nunki, Ofar Ita, Ofar Eng
ISO 14001:2015 Italfond, Nunki, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate, DVG Automation, RMT Valvomeccanica (in progress) DVG, FDB, Italfond, Nunki 2, Nunki, Ofar
ABS Certificate of Forging facility and process approval Forgiatura A. Vienna, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate FAV, Ofar Cividale, Ofar, FDB FDB 2
ABS Certificate of Foundry facility and process approval Nunki Nunki
ABS Certificate of offshore Mooring Chain or accessory Ofar Ofar
ABSA: API 6D / ASME B16.34 RMT Valvomeccanica RMT
AD 2000 Merkblatt W0: Quality Assurance System Italfond, Nunki, Forgiatura A. Vienna, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate FAV, FDB, Italfond, Nunki, Ofar Cividale
API Q1 9th Ed. - API 6D, API 6A, API 6DSS RMT Valvomeccanica RMT
ASME Section III: Quality System Certificate (Material Organization) Italfond, Forgiatura A. Vienna FAV, Italfond
ATEX: 2014/34/UE RMT Valvomeccanica, DVG Automation DVG, RMT
Bureau Veritas Approval certificate for material: Marine Rules Nunki, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate Ofar Cividale, Ofar, FDB, Nunki
Bureau Veritas Recognition: Mode II Scheme Nunki, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate FDB, Nunki, Ofar
Construction Products Regulation - CPR: EN 10088-5:2009 Italfond Italfond
DNV-GL Approval of manufacturer: DNV-OS-E302 Offshore Mooring Chain Ofar Ofar
DNV-GL Approval of manufacturer (Steel Forgings): Rules for classification - Ships Italfond, Forgiatura A. Vienna, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate Ofar Cividale, Ofar , Ofar Visano 2, FAV, FDB, Italfond
DNV-GL Approval of manufacturer (Steelmaking): Rules for classification - Ships Italfond, Nunki Nunki, Italfond
DNV-GL MSA (Manufacturing Survey Arrangment) Ofar Ofar
EAC: 010/2011 Decl., 032/2013 Decl.&Cert., 012/2011 Cert. RMT Valvomeccanica RMT
EAC: TR CU 010/2011 - 012/2011 DVG Automation DVG
IECEx: IEC 60079-0/1/31 DVG Automation DVG
IP: EN 60529:1991 + A1:2000 DVG Automation DVG
Korean Register Approval certificate for manufacturing process: Rules for classification of steel ships Forgiatura A. Vienna FAV
Lloyd's Register Manufacturer approval: Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials Nunki, Forgiatura A. Vienna, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate FAV, FDB, Nunki, Ofar Cividale, Ofar
NEMA 250-2003 DVG Automation DVG
NKKA - Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Approval of manufacturing process Ofar Ofar Cividale
PED 2014/68/EU: Quality Assurance System Italfond, Nunki, Forgiatura A. Vienna, Ofar, Forgia di Bollate, RMT Valvomeccanica, DVG Automation DVG, FAV, FDB, Italfond, Nunki, Ofar Cividale, RMT
RINA Alternative Testing scheme Ofar Ofar
RINA Certificate of approval of manufacturers of materials Forgiatura A. Vienna, Ofar FAV, Ofar Cividale, Ofar
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping: Recognition Certificate for Manufacturer Nunki, Ofar Nunki, Ofar
SIL: IEC 61508-1÷7:2010 RMT Valvomeccanica, DVG Automation DVG, RMT
TÜV SÜD Conformity of the Factory Production Control: EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 Ofar Ofar Cividale
UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 Italfond Italfond
ENERGY Ofar Ofar